About Us
Crypto has always been such an interesting topic for me - I’ll talk to anyone about it who will listen. Since the popularity of it blew up, I have always had a keen fascination with the whole system. However, it wasn’t until two years ago that I found myself brave enough to make the leap into the world of cryptocurrency.
Hi, I’m Luke Baldwin and I have been investing in crypto for the past two years. Despite knowing so much about the system and the different ways you can use it to your benefit, I still found the transition rather difficult.
That is why I made my site - Stock Maven. Now that I feel settled and confident about trading, I want to be a source of help to anyone else who might be struggling to break into the crypto market successfully.
My website is full of my tips and tricks, as well as information that I have always found interesting about crypto. My friends and family are sick of hearing me talk about it, so now it’s your turn!
I hope that you stick around and find something useful on my site. Remember, to make it big in crypto, you’ve got to be confident! Go for it and don’t look back.