Unlock New Revenue Streams: How to Sell Music as NFT

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, knowing how to sell music as NFT can open up new revenue streams and opportunities for artists. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have revolutionized the way artists monetize their work, offering a way to sell music directly to fans while retaining control over rights and distribution. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully sell music as NFT, helping you tap into this exciting new market and maximize your creative potential.

How To Sell Music As NFT

To begin your journey on how to sell music as NFT, it’s crucial to understand the basics of NFTs and why they’re gaining popularity in the music industry. NFTs are unique digital assets stored on the blockchain, which means they can be bought, sold, and traded like physical collectibles, but with the added benefit of being easily accessible and verifiable online. For artists, this technology provides a new way to monetize their music by creating scarcity and exclusivity. Selling music as NFT allows you to retain control over your work while offering fans a chance to own a piece of your musical legacy.

Before diving into how to sell music as NFT, you’ll need to choose the right platform to mint and list your music. Several platforms specialize in music NFTs, each with its features and benefits. Platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, and Mintbase allow artists to create and sell NFTs with relative ease. Additionally, some platforms are tailored specifically for musicians, such as Audius and Sound.xyz. Researching these platforms and their fee structures, community engagement, and ease of use is essential for finding the best fit for your needs.

Once you’ve selected a platform, the next step in how to sell music as NFT is to prepare your music files and associated artwork. Consider what makes your music unique and how you can package it to appeal to collectors and fans. High-quality audio files, exclusive artwork, and additional content like behind-the-scenes footage or interviews can enhance the value of your NFT. Creating a compelling narrative around your music and offering something exclusive can attract buyers and increase the perceived value of your NFT.

After preparing your music and artwork, you’ll need to mint your NFT on the chosen platform. Minting involves uploading your music and metadata to the blockchain, creating a unique digital asset that can be bought and sold. Understanding the technical aspects of minting and how to sell music as NFT is crucial for ensuring a smooth process. Most platforms provide step-by-step guides to help artists navigate the minting process, but it’s important to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of each platform to ensure your rights and interests are protected.

Pricing your NFT is another critical factor in learning how to sell music as NFT. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, it’s important to consider the rarity of your music, your fan base, and the value you’re offering. Some artists choose to auction their NFTs, allowing the market to determine the price, while others set a fixed price. Experimenting with different pricing strategies and understanding your audience’s willingness to pay can help you find the sweet spot that maximizes your profits while remaining accessible to your fans.

Promoting your NFT is essential for reaching potential buyers and building excitement around your release. Leverage social media platforms, email newsletters, and collaborations with other artists or influencers to spread the word about your NFT drop. Engaging with your audience and creating a buzz around your release can drive demand and increase the value of your NFT. Additionally, consider participating in NFT communities and forums to connect with collectors and enthusiasts who may be interested in purchasing your music.

In conclusion, understanding how to sell music as NFT requires a combination of technical knowledge, creative marketing, and strategic planning. By choosing the right platform, creating compelling content, and effectively promoting your NFT, you can tap into a growing market and monetize your music innovatively. As the NFT landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about trends and opportunities will help you navigate this exciting new frontier in the music industry. Always be open to experimenting and learning from others in the space to refine your approach and achieve success.

Music NFTs Marketplace

The rise of music NFTs marketplaces has opened up new avenues for artists to monetize their music and connect with fans. These marketplaces allow musicians to tokenize their work and sell it as NFTs, creating digital scarcity and offering unique ownership experiences to buyers. Platforms like OpenSea, Mintable, and Rarible have emerged as popular destinations for artists looking to sell music NFTs. Each marketplace offers different features and benefits, such as support for various blockchain networks and customizable storefronts. Understanding the landscape of music NFTs marketplaces is crucial for artists aiming to maximize their reach and profitability. You can explore a comprehensive list of music NFT marketplaces and their offerings at NFT Evening and CoinDesk.

NFT Music Platforms

NFT music platforms are revolutionizing the way artists distribute and monetize their music. Unlike traditional streaming services, NFT music platforms allow artists to tokenize their music as NFTs, giving fans the opportunity to purchase and own unique digital assets. These platforms often provide tools for creating, minting, and selling music NFTs, as well as features for fan engagement and community building. Some notable NFT music platforms include Audius, Zora, and Royal. By leveraging these platforms, artists can retain more control over their music rights and revenue streams, creating a more direct connection with their audience. To learn more about NFT music platforms and their impact on the industry, visit Forbes and Music Business Worldwide.

Selling Music as NFT

Selling music as NFT offers artists a novel way to monetize their work and engage with fans. By tokenizing music files, artists can create limited editions or exclusive releases that collectors and fans can purchase as NFTs. This approach not only generates revenue but also creates a sense of scarcity and uniqueness around the music. Artists can include additional content, such as artwork, liner notes, or behind-the-scenes footage, to enhance the value of their NFTs. Understanding the process of selling music as NFT involves selecting a suitable platform, setting prices, and marketing the NFT release to potential buyers. For a step-by-step guide on selling music as NFT, explore resources from Rolling Stone and Cointelegraph.

Blockchain Music Sales

Blockchain music sales leverage the security and transparency of blockchain technology to facilitate direct transactions between artists and fans. By using blockchain, artists can tokenize their music and create NFTs that are bought, sold, and traded on decentralized platforms. This approach allows artists to bypass traditional intermediaries and retain more control over their work and revenue streams. Blockchain music sales also enable transparent royalty tracking and distribution, ensuring that artists receive fair compensation for their work. To learn more about blockchain music sales and their implications for the music industry, visit Music Ally and Decrypt.

NFT Royalties for Musicians

NFT royalties for musicians represent a significant shift in how artists earn income from their work. Unlike traditional music sales, where royalties are distributed through intermediaries, NFT royalties can be programmed directly into smart contracts on the blockchain. This ensures that artists receive a percentage of sales every time their NFT is resold on secondary markets. By setting royalty percentages, musicians can create ongoing revenue streams from their music NFTs, even after the initial sale. Understanding NFT royalties and their potential impact on artists’ earnings is crucial for musicians entering the NFT space. For more information on NFT royalties and how they benefit musicians, check out CoinDesk’s NFT Royalties Guide and MusicTech’s Article on Music NFTs.

NFT Album Release

An NFT album release allows artists to offer their music as a collection of digital assets, providing fans with a unique and immersive experience. By tokenizing an entire album, artists can create limited editions, exclusive content, and personalized experiences for NFT buyers. This approach not only generates revenue but also fosters a deeper connection between artists and fans. NFT album releases can include additional perks, such as virtual meet-and-greets, concert tickets, or exclusive merchandise. To explore successful NFT album releases and their impact on the music industry, visit Billboard’s Guide to NFT Albums and Hypebot’s Article on Music NFTs.

Digital Music Collectibles

Digital music collectibles are gaining popularity as artists explore new ways to engage with fans and monetize their work. These collectibles can include music NFTs, artwork, and other digital assets that fans can purchase and own. By creating limited edition digital collectibles, artists can tap into the growing market for unique and exclusive content. Digital music collectibles offer fans a sense of ownership and connection to their favorite artists, while artists benefit from new revenue streams and increased fan engagement. To learn more about digital music collectibles and their role in the music industry, check out Variety’s Article on Music Collectibles and Digital Music News.

NFT Music Ownership

NFT music ownership represents a new paradigm in how fans and collectors engage with music. By purchasing music NFTs, buyers gain ownership of a unique digital asset that can be traded, sold, or displayed in virtual galleries. This ownership model allows fans to support their favorite artists directly while enjoying exclusive access to limited edition content. For artists, NFT music ownership offers a way to monetize their work beyond traditional sales and streaming, creating new revenue streams and opportunities for fan engagement. To explore the implications of NFT music ownership and its impact on the music industry, visit Music Business Worldwide’s Article on NFTs and Pitchfork’s Guide to Music NFTs.

NFT Music Rights

NFT music rights offer a new way for artists to control and monetize their work in the digital age. By tokenizing music rights as NFTs, artists can sell or lease specific rights, such as streaming, performance, or synchronization, to buyers. This approach allows artists to retain ownership of their music while generating revenue from multiple sources. NFT music rights also enable transparent tracking and distribution of royalties, ensuring that artists receive fair compensation for their work. For more information on NFT music rights and their potential impact on the industry, explore resources from Rolling Stone and CoinDesk’s NFT Music Rights Guide.

NFT Music Auctions

NFT music auctions provide a platform for artists to sell their work to the highest bidder, creating excitement and exclusivity around their releases. These auctions can feature limited edition music NFTs, exclusive content, and personalized experiences for buyers. By leveraging the auction format, artists can maximize their revenue potential and engage with fans in a unique way. NFT music auctions often attract collectors and enthusiasts looking for one-of-a-kind digital assets, offering artists a chance to showcase their creativity and innovation. To learn more about NFT music auctions and their role in the music industry, visit CoinTelegraph’s Article on NFT Auctions and Music Ally’s Guide to NFT Auctions.

Furthermore, it provides NFT owners (who are most probably also fans of the artist) a piece of the pie going ahead, making fans even more involved in the progress of their favorite artists.

While all this sounds amazing, you might be wondering how one can sell music as an NFT. For those new to blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, dealing with non-fungible tokens might be intimidating.

Additional coding concerns may also deter potential sellers, so if you are one of them or want to know the ‘magic’ behind selling music as NFT, keep on reading to find out how that is done!

How To Sell Music As An NFT

Creating an NFT is an interesting work to do that takes numerous stages of feedback and a few alternative design ideas before you release it to the public.

As in most cases, it is a process that you should take on step-by-step and go from step one to the very end until your NFT is completely ready for buyers to purchase in the blink of an eye.

Step 1: Prepare Your Music and Performance Video Files

Producing an NFT from your music is quite comparable to creating real or digital artwork. Before entering the market as a seller, you need to ensure that all of your recorded music and performance videos are available in file formats that are right and can be turned into an NFT.

 Here are a few methods for creating music files you can sell as a non-fungible token:

  • Live Show
  • Studio Recording
  • Music Video

Working with digital data and various recording applications may need coding and many hours of dedication, so this stage might take a while. However, do not rush the process; take all the time you need to make sure that the result is flawless, as the competition is big and the best NFTs are the ones that earn more money. 

We should note here that you need to make sure you’re making your own music and not someone else’s, otherwise you can end yourself with a copyright infringement problem. If you have any queries regarding the law, consult with an attorney.

Step 2: Choose A Selling Platform

In addition to that, you need to have your own unique ideas and expectations that will help you decide which platform is the best for you. Especially if you’re working in a group, the platform you choose might be crucial to your success.

Choosing a platform to list your NFT will be a lot of fun, but it boils down to personal preference. There are a variety of markets to pick from, with services spanning from creation to sales. However, the most important decision is based on a few crucial creation variables and pricing difficulties.

The following are the most important considerations when selecting an NFT marketplace:

  • Gas Fees
  • Collaboration Protection, to ensure that both you and your collaborator(s) are both protected in terms of copyright
  • Ease of Use

There are many platforms out there, so you should make sure you understand everything before diving in headfirst to avoid finishing your NFT project and then throwing your hands up in frustration because you can’t find the right one for you.

We suggest you check out platforms like Crypto and OpenSea, which are the most popular ones for music NFTs thanks to their features, ease of use, and gas expenses.

 It is critical that you identify the platform you will employ at this stage. Don’t spend any of your valuable cryptocurrency on a single platform before making the move. There will be fewer costs if you pick OpenSea; with Crypto, there may be hundreds of Ethereum passing hands before any offers are accepted.

Step 3: Learn the Basics of Ethereum

The next thing you should do is learn the basics of Ethereum since that will be the crypto you will be using most of the time when listing, selling, and getting paid for your NFTs. There are two things you should definitely be aware of.

 The first thing you will want is an e-wallet. Most NFTs are backed by Ethereum, therefore you need one that can access it. Remember that the NFT storage differs from the e-wallet, which functions more like a marketplace than a location to keep and produce tokens.

The second thing is to actually purchase Ethereum, as you won’t be able to get anything going until you have your own cryptocurrency.

In the future, Ethereum will be used for gas costs and pretty much everything else, so purchasing additional Ethereum will necessitate another transaction.

Step 4: List Your NFTs

These procedures were just paperwork to guarantee that your NFT is one-of-a-kind and has the record to back it up. Going through these procedures demonstrates to purchasers that you are taking your work seriously and may increase your income. When connecting and uploading, be as explicit as possible. The steps for listing on the platform are as follows:

  • Creating a collection: Depending on the program, the name of the place where you will keep your files will be “collection” or something similar. Fill your collection with all of the music you plan to sell. You may do a single song or a complete career.
  • Minting: After you have completed your collection, it is time to mint. Minting is a fancy term used by crypto traders to describe the process of an NFT transitioning from a collection to an NFT. This is when the fun begins, and all of your hard work begins to bear fruit.
  • Uploading the NFTs: Now that you’ve been minted, it’s time to name and upload everything you own. This is your final opportunity to name the NFT. Take great care to call it something unique and inimitable, just like the token itself. It is preferable to date, title, and name each file consistently. Be aware that these modifications cannot be reversed.
  • Adding links: Add any links to the collection, such as your website. It aids in the identification of the tokens and may result in greater money. Only include links that should be active for an extended length of time. Including spam links will simply lower the value of the tokens.

Step 5: Earn Money Through Music NFTs

The following are the last stages in selling your song NFT:

  • Press “Sell”: In the corner of your platform, there should be a noticeable button labeled “sell,” and clicking it will open another pop-up box that will take you to the final stages of putting your NFTs on the market.
  • Define the amount: Let customers know the amount of NFTs you intend to sell. You can have a single copy that provides one individual with all royalties and property rights, or you can distribute the wealth among numerous separate tokens.
  • Opening Bid: The opening bid is the NFT’s listing price, and it should be established first. Setting the price low attracts more bids, but it also means you make less money. Be as strategic in your bidding as you have been in the rest of the process, and you will be fine.
  • Sell: The final stage in the procedure is to list the non-fungible for sale. By pressing the button, you will release the token into the market, and your aspirations of being independently rich may be just around the corner, but don’t count on it.
  • Promote your NFTs: People need to know it’s on sale, so encourage your buddies to pull out their credit cards and buy them. If you’re new to marketing an NFT, you’ll want to check out these little-known secrets for getting your NFT recognized.


We hope you found this article helpful for your next business endeavor in the NFT world. Music NFTs are a great method for emerging artists and groups to get their followers to invest in something more than simply their music.

And, while the process of producing and minting an NFT may appear difficult, it is rather simple; you simply have to work on it, just like any other project. After all, it’s your work you are trying to sell, so you should be 100% dedicated to it!


Luke Baldwin